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On the Go Meal(Chocolate)

LightLife On-The-Go Meal is designed to fuel your day with the perfect blend of 19g protein, 8g fiber, and 24 essential vitamins and minerals.



Rs. 599.00 Rs. 625.00

What is LightLife
On-The-Go Meal?

Each 60g sachet provides a complete meal that helps curb cravings and promotes satiety, making it an ideal solution for both men and women aiming for sustainable weight management.

Easy to carry, quick to prepare, and packed with wholesome nutrients, it's the perfect meal replacement for your busy lifestyle.


Real People, Real Stories

Our customers have seen amazing transformations! Hear from real people who have successfully achieved their weight loss goals with LiteLife.


Supercharged Ingredients

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Benefits of the Product

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Patented & Scientifically Proven


Results of the Product

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Instructions for usage

LIGHTLIFE_Instructions for usage_1.webp__PID:10e54ef2-7600-4a93-a3ef-21dd2d1ba3c4

1 Sachet

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200 ml water

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Drink  immediately

Mix 1 sachet with 250ml of water, shake well and consume immediately

Clinically Proven for Effective Results

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SlimBiome in Pre-Meal Nutrition and On The Go Meal

A Proven Support for Weight Management SlimBiome, integrated into pre-meal nutrition and On The Go Meal Solutions , has demonstrated remarkable benefits in supporting weight management. In a study involving overweight to obese females on a calorie-restricted plan, SlimBiome significantly reduced cravings for both sweet and savory foods, improved mood, enhanced gut microbiome diversity, optimized body composition, and facilitated effective weight loss.


Statistically significant reduction in body composition parameters, including fat mass, waist and hip circumference and body weight after 4 weeks of SlimBiome® intake.

Group 658.webp__PID:d6323554-946d-4785-9053-54a00bfbf151

Microbiota Composition Shift and Correlation with Obesity Management

Microbiota composition shifted positively, with increased Lactobacillus (↑8.2%) and Bacteroidetes (↑0.6%), and a reduced Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio (↓3.2%), correlating with better anthropometric and metabolic outcomes.

These findings highlight the potential of probiotic supplementation and microbiota modulation in obesity management.



SlimBiome® is an agglomerate of glucomannan, fructooligosaccharides and chromium picolinate. Human intervention studies show SlimBiome can support sustainable weight loss and promote gut microbiome diversity, while reducing fat intake and food cravings1,2.

Formulated by Experts

The studies on SlimBiome investigating different manners of introducing it to the daily diet show:

Adam Bruton.webp__PID:69258676-2af8-448e-809b-5daadf653524

Dr Adam Bruton,

PhD, BSc (Hons), FHEA, CPsychol,

United Kingdom


Dr Oliver Gibson

Ph.D, ProfGCE, MSc, BSc (Hons), FHEA

United Kingdom

Adele protrait.webp__PID:a148b103-b0ec-4926-a69c-3ef1c95f3af3

Prof Adele Costabile

Ph.D FHEA, RNutr, BSc

United Kingdom

JP Warzee.webp__PID:3898e77c-5193-4c55-a624-f29754b000b8

JP Warzee

Medical Doctor


Absolutely safe to consume

LightLife Pre-Meal Nutrition Mix is

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No Added Sugar

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No Side Effects

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No Preservatives


Get Complimentary LightLife App Support

360° Approach to Sustainable Weight Management

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Self Coach

Know More

Our Mission

Lighter, Stronger, Happier you

With LightLife App, Get access to

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100 + diets & workouts
tailored for you

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Meal tracker
to stay on track

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Self-coach digest
to Unique insight

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Expert Counselling

Say yes to your #MyLightLife journey now!


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the LightLife 360-degree approach?

LightLife’s 360-degree approach combines pre-meal sachets, meal replacements, personalized diet and workout plans, and expert guidance to support sustainable weight loss and overall wellness.

2. Why is the LightLife On The Go Meal important in my routine?

The LightLife On The Go Meal provides balanced nutrition and is a convenient option to replace a main meal. It can be prepared with water or milk, allowing you to quickly enjoy a nutritious meal shake even on a busy schedule.

3. Can I consume LightLife PreMeal Nutrition and LightLife On The Go Meal together immediately, one after the other?

It’s not advised to take them back-to-back. Allow some time in between to avoid discomfort and support optimal effectiveness.

4. Is the LightLife program safe?

Yes, LightLife uses clinically-tested ingredients, but consult your healthcare provider if you have any health conditions.

5. Why do I feel mild discomfort initially in my abdomen after having LightLife?

Mild discomfort may occur as the body adjusts to prebiotics and fiber in LightLife, which support good bacteria growth. This is temporary and aids long-term gut health..

6. What features does the LightLife App offer?

Personalized diet and workout plans, daily tips, and access to nutritionist consultations.

7. How does LightLife support long-term weight management?

By combining appetite control with balanced nutrition and personalized plans, LightLife helps create lasting habits for sustainable weight loss.